Navigating life to find your way to a place you want to be in is actually quite simple:
you simply make sure that your inner space stays clean and clear by speaking your truth.
An example:
This morning I had a wonderful talk with Tom.
He told me about a situation at work which troubled him. He was expected to attend a workshop he felt no desire to be a part of. This happened without anyone asking or checking in with him. His boss just expected him to go and spontaneously reschedule his week. Naturally this put him in a place of inner turmoil. His truth wasn’t spoken, and his inner space became conflicted and unclear.
In many such situations it is difficult to stand up for yourself and speak. Especially in work or family related environments. But in such moments it is crucial (and very beneficial for everyone involved) that you do.
In Tom’s case this was a simple thing to do.
But definitely not an easy thing to do.
He had to take a “brave step forward” and speak his truth in front of his boss and the whole team. By doing so he risks offending others. He risks being ridiculed. He even risks losing his job. But at the same he opens the door to a life that feels worth living to him and takes a step towards it.
I think navigating life is as simple as that:
Every time you speak your truth, you take a step towards a life worth living. And every time you don’t, you take one in the opposite direction. Every time. In every moment. And there are only these two directions. Towards such a life or away from it. It’s all about taking the steps and understanding the direction you are moving in.
I applaud Tom’s bravery today. (Writing this, I feel strangely proud to be part of “team man” with him.) I remember smiling from an honest place, when he told me how he spoke up at work today. I could feel his energy.
I also felt grounded for some reason. This was an interesting thing to notice. It seems that witnessing another man speak his truth this way grounds me somehow.
Isn’t that fascinating?
To me it is.